Dette systemet er ikke lenger i aktivt bruk og har blitt erstattet av Panopto i løpet av sommeren 2023. Les mer her.
Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 5. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.14
50 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Økonomistyring kapittel 8 Ivar Moe SMF1042F
Tommelnegl 5. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.13
107 min
Organisasjonsendring og endringsledelse Eivind Merok SMF3012
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.15
240 min
Lab day 2 Carl Stuart Leichter IMT4114 Introduction to Digital Forensics
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.15
100 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Matriser 2 Hans Petter Hornæs REA1101
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.14
110 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Økonomistyring kapittel 8 Ivar Moe SMF1042F
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 14.15
105 min
Bygningsfysikk Guri Krigsvoll BYG1371 Bygningsfysikk
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 13.15
45 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Bacheloroppgave infomøte
Hilde Bakke Felles info bacheloroppgave h17/v18
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 10.15
180 min
Learning and problem solving Anders-Petter Andersson IMT4309
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 10.13
110 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Logical modelling continued Deepti Mishra IMT2571
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.13
110 min
Normalisation Deepti Mishra IMT2261
Tommelnegl 4. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.13
110 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Statistics Frode Volden IMT 4110, Scientific methodology and communication, 2017
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.15
100 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Matriser Hans Petter Hornæs REA1101
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.15
240 min
Lab day 1 Carl Stuart Leichter IMT4114 Introduction to Digital Forensics
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 13.10
115 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Forelesning REA2101 3.10.2017 Are Strandlie REA2101
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 11.15
165 min
Org and culture Halvor Holtskog TØL4024 Manufacturing Management
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 11.15
108 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Anders Oulie REA1141 Matematikk 1 HØST 2017
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 10.13
50 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
Logical modelling continued Deepti Mishra IMT2571
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 09.15
105 min
IMT1003 guest lecture on crypto
IMT1003 guest lecture on crypto
Slobodan Petrovic IMT1003
Tommelnegl 3. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.14
110 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Økonomistyring kapittel 8 Ivar Moe SMF1042F
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 16.15
108 min
Anders Oulie REA1141 Matematikk 1 HØST 2017
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 14.15
165 min
Forelesning 6 mikro høst 2017 Per Jacobsen Mikroøkonomi
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 13.15
225 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Lecture 3 Carl Stuart Leichter IMT4114 Introduction to Digital Forensics
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 12.14
105 min
Klaus Bratlie SMF1301
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 11.15
110 min
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) + Repetition Erik Hjelmås IMT3005 Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.15
165 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
IMT1362 Experience design testing Eivind Arnstein Johansen IMT1361
Tommelnegl 2. oktober 2017
Kl. 08.10
115 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
Forelesning REA2101 2.10.2017 Are Strandlie REA2101
Tommelnegl 29. september 2017
Kl. 14.15
105 min
Special Lecture on Digital Investigations: Stig Andersen
Stig Andersen works as a special investigator at the Digital Forensic Unit at Oslo Police District. He holds a Master’s degree in Security and Forensic Computing from Dublin City University. He is a Doctoral Candidate at NTNU and his research topic is directed towards bringing criminal investigations, digital forensics and law closer together as interdisciplinary subjects, and to facilitate cross-subject learning.
Carl Stuart Leichter IMT4114 Introduction to Digital Forensics
Tommelnegl 29. september 2017
Kl. 12.13
110 min
Logical modelling Deepti Mishra IMT2261
Tommelnegl 29. september 2017
Kl. 12.12
55 min
Implementing European Cybersecurity Regulation
In summer 2016, the EU adopted its directive on the security of network and information systems (NIS directive). EU member states must transpose the directive into their national law by May 2018. The core provisions of the directive put pressure on European companies: Operators of critical infrastructures must implement cybersecurity requirements and report cyber attacks. Moreover, the directive covers major digital services. Online marketplaces, search engines and cloud services must fulfil similar requirements. Germany has been at the forefront of implementing the NIS directive. Even before the directive was passed by the European Parliament, Germany has adopted the first IT security law, which is close to the European provisions, and sets up cybersecurity requirements for critical infrastructures and digital services. However, NIS directive and its national implementations are just a part of the evolving cyber regulation in Europe. Sectorial regulation is spreading, too. Martin Schallbruch performs an analysis of the problems and opportunities of the regulatory rush in European cybersecurity. Martin Schallbruch is a Senior Researcher for Cyber Innovation and Cyber Regulation at the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin. For more than 10 years, he was a director-general in the German federal government, responsible for digital strategy and cybersecurity.
Martin Schallbruch NISlecture
Tommelnegl 29. september 2017
Kl. 10.15
105 min
SMF3081/SMF3071 Forelesning VIII Aristidis Kaloudis SMF3081/SMF3071