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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 22. november 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Summary Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 2. november 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Machine Learning for Colour and Visual Computing Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 2. november 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Introduction to audio visual media Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 1. november 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Computer vision and Deep Learning Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 26. oktober 2022
Kl. 14.10
120 min
Image and video coding by exploiting change and inattentional blindness Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 26. oktober 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Digital restoration of photographic film Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 25. oktober 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Applications of hyperspectral imaging in precision agriculture Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 19. oktober 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Medical Visualization and Geometric Modelling for Surgical Planning (Medical (spectral) imaging) Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 19. oktober 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Colour in Capsule Endoscopy Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 18. oktober 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Introduction to computer graphics Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 14. oktober 2022
Kl. 15.10
120 min
HDR color appearance models Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 14. oktober 2022
Kl. 13.10
110 min
BRDF, spectral reproduction and advances in iccMAX Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 12. oktober 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Texture analysis of digital images Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 12. oktober 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Perceived texture Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 11. oktober 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Comparison of Imaging Models for Spectral Unmixing in Oil Painting Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 5. oktober 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Digitizing Motion Picture Film Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 5. oktober 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Contrast sensitivity and visual acuity Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 28. september 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Common colour appearance and Experimental set up (controlled vs. Unncontrolled) Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 28. september 2022
Kl. 10.10
120 min
Material appearance Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 27. september 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
Multispectral Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 21. september 2022
Kl. 13.10
120 min
Image quality Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 20. september 2022
Kl. 11.10
120 min
CVD Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 14. september 2022
Kl. 13.13
120 min
Spectral Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing
Tommelnegl 13. september 2022
Kl. 11.12
120 min
Observer metamerism Peter Nussbaum IMT4135 Introduction to Research on Colour and Visual Computing