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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 27. oktober 2014
Kl. 11.14
45 min
Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 30. oktober 2014
Kl. 08.14
45 min
XMLSchema - del1 Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 30. oktober 2014
Kl. 09.14
50 min
XMLSchema - del2 Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 3. november 2014
Kl. 10.14
45 min
BeyondRDBXML - del1 Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 3. november 2014
Kl. 11.14
50 min
BeyondRDBXML - del2 Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 4. november 2014
Kl. 12.14
45 min
Oblig5_Gjennomgang Ali Shariq Imran IMT2571
Tommelnegl 15. mai 2019
Kl. 12.45
420 min
CHANGE Kickoff Meeting Day1
Kickoff meeting for ITN project CHANGE from NTNU Colourlab
Aland Andres Aguirre Mendoza CHANGE
Tommelnegl 10. november 2016
Kl. 08.15
105 min
Metall AFB BYG2311 Materiallære for Bygg H16
Tommelnegl 7. april 2017
Kl. 12.12
55 min
Prediction of privacy violating behaviours within Smart Grids
CIRA (Conflicting Incentives Risk Analysis) is a novel approach to risk analysis that focuses on the consequences of human decisions when identifying risks. However, in its current state, it lacks the theoretical foundation in psychology. Therefore it is necessary to identify and integrate relevant psychological theories into the current framework. Taking into account that stakeholders might not cooperate with the analyst during risk analysis, it is crucial to consider efficient and reliable data acquisition methods that require no direct access to the stakeholders. By integrating theories of behavior prediction and appropriate data collection methods CIRA is expected to become suitable for identifying real-life risks. To test this assumption the performance of the enhanced method will be assessed within the context of the IoTSec project focusing on Smart Electrical Grids.
Adam Szekeres NISseminar
Tommelnegl 23. januar 2014
Kl. 16.00
60 min
AcademicWorks med rekruttering vs bemanningsbyrå + intervjuteknikk
AcademicWorks med rekruttering vs bemanningsbyrå + intervjuteknikk
AcademicWorks AcademicWorks
Tommelnegl 28. april 2017
Kl. 12.12
55 min
Biometric systems based on communications principles
Abstract: A biometric system is a technological system that uses information about a person to identify that person. We will discuss the connection between Biometric systems and Information/Communication theory. Several authentication system implementations will be explained and their performance analyzed. We will pay attention to the tradeoff between information security and reliability of biometric data.
A.J. Han Vinck NISlecture