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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 26. mai 2017
Kl. 12.12
55 min
The Modern Cybersecurity Stack: Data-driven Network Monitoring with Bro
Faced with today's sophisticated cyberattacks, classic intrusion detection systems often leave defenders with playing games of whack-a-mole. Offering an alternative, the open-source network security monitor Bro has become a driver behind a recent paradigm shift inside the incident response community: By facilitating data-driven, site-specific network traffic analyses, Bro empowers operators to defend their organizations against a broad range of attacks, from indiscriminate to highly targeted. This talk will recap Bro's evolution from a niche software developed by a small academic research group into a widely deployed system that's now protecting some of the world's largest organizations. We will examine Bro's scientific foundation, discuss experiences transitioning the system from a research platform to large-scale operational deployment, and present current research efforts that seek to further advance today's network defense capabilities.
Robin Sommer NISlecture