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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 30. september 2016
Kl. 10.15
105 min
IMT1003 guest lecture
Speaker: Knut Lindelien from Standard Norge Topic: Standardisering av styringssystem for informasjonssikring. Noen observasjoner fra erfaringsbasert forbedring av informasjonssikkerhet Biography: I have had the responsibilities for Norwegian participation in IT Security techniqes standardization (ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27) sine 1991. I am member of DIFI's standardization advisory board, member of CEN/CENELEC Coordination Group on Cyber Security and have had the opportunity to work with IT Security in OECD (Paris) and NIST (Bethesda, Washington DC) as in Kreditkassen and Tromsø- and Moss municipalities (kommuner).
Knut Lindelien IMT1003