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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 26. januar 2018
Kl. 12.12
68 min
Defending academics from the cyber reality since 1.1.2017
The NTNU digital security section (DS) and Security Operations Centre (SOC) was officially established 1.1.2017 and is the largest security section in academic Norway. Since being established, DS has been actively working on improving cyber and information security at the university. DS is primarily working in two domains, operative security and security management. The section also has a leading role in establishing the information security management system (ISMS) at NTNU. This talk will present the section and how it contributes to making the university a more secure environment for all. Furthermore, we will provide a picture of the operational capacity for cybersecurity of NTNU SOC, including the technology choices and the roadmap of building a scalable sensor network. Based on the operational capability, the talk will also provide some insight into the current risks and trends that NTNU is facing in the cyber domain. Finally, we will present how the digital security section is cooperating with academia and possible venues for further collaboration.
Christoffer Hallstensen and Gaute Wangen NISlecture