Foreleser: Erjon Zoto
Emne: NISseminar
We hardly pass any day without hearing of a new cyber attack. The recent ever-increasing occurrence of such attacks has given to researchers, practitioners and others an opportunity to raise awareness and train staff from the public and private institutions, as well as other people within the society, while there seems to be a gap between what companies and institutions plan to do when developing their internal policies regarding information security and what it should be done according to a system perspective in this area. Our task as researchers is to bridge this gap by offering potential solutions.
The first aim of our work is to promote the usage of a socio-technical systems (STS) approach to support the emerging role of systems thinking in cyber security education using simulation as a supporting tool for the learning. A secondary aim of this work is to include the tool within the Norwegian Cyber Range (NCR) exercise toolkit.
As a first step, we are introducing the CyberAIMs tool, which stands for Cyber Agents’ Interactive Modeling and Simulation tool. We designed this agent-based simulation tool so as to use it as an educational tool for Master students in a Cyber security course. The experiment is still in progress with preliminary data indicating a shift in students' perspective, that could be related to both adversarial and systems thinking processes. In the next stage, we intend to extend our intended users by including target groups who need training in adversarial and systems thinking, especially in the critical infrastructure sectors.
Dato: 14. september 2018, kl. 12.12
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Rom: A153