Decisions, decisions, decisions

Foreleser: Vasileios Gkioulos
Emne: NISseminar
Security governance in highly constrained and dynamic networks, such as C2 (Command and Control) and C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence) systems at the tactical edge, requires refined control and adaptability to the rapidly evolving operational context. Imagine that you are in the field, commanding a cordon and search operation, and you receive information that a building is trapped with IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device). One of the tactical teams under your command is already executing a building clearing. What do you do, and how the network can accommodate your decision efficiently and effectively, while maintaining security?

Dato: 2. juni 2017, kl. 12.12
Ingen slettedato satt
Rom: K105
Last ned filer: Lyd Kamera Skjerm Kombinert

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