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Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 25. januar 2013
Kl. 15.00
52 min
Computer Network Defence in the Norwegian Armed Forces Geir Olav Dyrkolbotn NISlecture
Tommelnegl 22. mars 2013
Kl. 11.50
70 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
NISlecture 2013/03
Attacking the iOS Kernel: A Look at 'evasi0n' Senior Security Researcher Tarjei Mandt, Azimuth Security
Tarjei Mandt NISlecture
Tommelnegl 26. april 2013
Kl. 11.50
70 min
Lille Eureka, 1/3 Eureka
NISlecture 2013/04
The Effects of Consumerization and the Cloud on Business Information Security Threats Business Development Manager Anders Føyen, Microsoft
Anders Føyen, Microsoft NISlecture
Tommelnegl 31. mai 2013
Kl. 11.50
70 min
NISlecture 2013/06
The Economic Threat Landscape from Cyber Criminals
Sofie Nystrøm NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. september 2013
Kl. 12.10
55 min
NISlecture Margrete Raaum NISlecture
Tommelnegl 25. oktober 2013
Kl. 12.10
55 min
NISlecture 2013/08 Frode Hommedal NISlecture
Tommelnegl 29. november 2013
Kl. 12.05
70 min
NISlecture 2013/09 Ulf Feger NISlecture
Tommelnegl 31. januar 2014
Kl. 12.05
70 min
NISlecture 2014/01 Storm Jarl Landaasen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 28. mars 2014
Kl. 12.05
60 min
NISlecture 2014/03 (28.03.2014, 12.15-13.00 in K105 and live online)
The Birth of the Pointer Variable A powerful but potentially dangerous programming language facility! Harold “Bud” Lawson, Inventor of the Pointer Variable Concept and Recipient of the prestigious IEEE Charles Babbage Computer Pioneer Award Harold “Bud” Lawson has been a leading pioneer in the computing and systems arenas. In this seminar he will share some of the significant highlights from the early part of his career that led to the introduction of the pointer variable concept in programming languages. His experiences and reflections have recently been published in a chapter of the book Reflections on the History of Computing: Preserving Memories and Sharing Stories (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). Bud Lawson’s professional career began in 1959 under the leadership of the legendary Real Admiral Dr. Grace Murray Hopper at Remington Rand Univac in Philadelphia. During his long career he participated in several pioneering developments in software, hardware and computer based systems. For his invention of the pointer variable concept in programming languages he was awarded the prestigious IEEE Charles Babbage Computer Pioneer award in 2000.
Harold “Bud” Lawson NISLecture
Tommelnegl 29. august 2014
Kl. 12.05
65 min
NISlecture - Threats and Security in the Cyber World Martti Lehto NISlecture
Tommelnegl 26. september 2014
Kl. 12.05
70 min
Privacy is 80% Information Security, - How to manage privacy in your organization Hans Dahlquist NISlecture
Tommelnegl 31. oktober 2014
Kl. 12.05
65 min
How we discovered Heartbleed Tomi Väisänen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 28. november 2014
Kl. 12.05
65 min
Nasjonalt ID senter Arne Tveitan NISlecture
Tommelnegl 30. januar 2015
Kl. 12.05
65 min
NISlecture 2015/1 Zeno Geradts NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. februar 2015
Kl. 12.05
65 min
NISlecture 2015/2 Sylvia Yang NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. mars 2015
Kl. 12.05
80 min
NISlecture 2015/3 Lars Bo Langsted and Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 8. mai 2015
Kl. 12.05
65 min
NISlecture 2015/4 Dr. Dhiren R. Patel NISlecture
Tommelnegl 29. mai 2015
Kl. 11.05
65 min
NISlecture 2015/5 Luigi Lo Iacono NISlecture
Tommelnegl 28. august 2015
Kl. 12.05
70 min
NISlecture: Digital Sovereignty
Core aspects of Digital Sovereignty will be governance of ICT and the new technologies and paradigms mainly mobile technologies and cloud computing. At the same time, these aspects are the hardest security challenges. The intersect of these areas will be the major drivers when it comes to the lead or even domination in the field of ICT over the next decade. With this digital sovereignty and international agreements, e.g. TTIP will play a decisive role in this game. Europe seems to have given in with the global division where America focusses on large and industrial software and systems where Asia has taken the lead with hardware as labor and environment conditions are not reflected in the products. Europe being one of the largest markets is still struggling with its position in this game. Consumer’s needs and security as well as data protection and trusted information security might be areas where Europe has fair chances but at the end it will be about governance. While overarching and global some of the key factors of such governance will be factored into important detail aspects and new ICT paradigms like mobile and cloud computing and might even take dominant roles.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch NISlecture
Tommelnegl 25. september 2015
Kl. 12.15
45 min
Telenor Group from a Security Perspective
André Årnes NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. november 2015
Kl. 12.00
60 min
Timing Attacks against State Estimation in Power Networks Stephen Wolthusen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 11. desember 2015
Kl. 12.00
60 min
The Norwegian Internet Voting Experiment Kristian Gjøsteen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 29. januar 2016
Kl. 12.15
45 min
NISlecture 2016/1 Our digital society and pervasive vulnerabilities Sofie Nystrøm NISlecture
Tommelnegl 26. februar 2016
Kl. 12.05
60 min
NISlecture 2016/02 Unpatchable: Living with a vulnerable implanted device
NISlecture 2016/2 Unpatchable: Living with a vulnerable implanted device
Marie Elisabeth Gaup Moe NISlecture
Tommelnegl 1. april 2016
Kl. 12.05
60 min
NISlecture2016/3: Quantification of Cyber Risk Accumulation - one of the biggest challenges for insurers Dr. Maya Bundt NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. mai 2016
Kl. 12.05
60 min
NISlecture 2016/5 :Some ethical dilemmas of hacking
NISlecture 2016/5 :Some ethical dilemmas of hacking
May Thorseth NISlecture
Tommelnegl 26. august 2016
Kl. 12.10
50 min
NISlecture2016/8: Practical Risk Assessments: A Trial by Fire
NISlecture2016/8: Practical Risk Assessments: A Trial by Fire
Gaute Wangen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 30. september 2016
Kl. 12.10
50 min
Computer security at CERN: risks, vulnerabilities, threats, incidents etc. - trends and lessons learnt
In this lecture, Sebastian will present the computer security risk landscape of an international research laboratory, overview various motivations behind attacks, and explain how these threats are addressed at CERN. He will then go into details of several types of vulnerabilities, and incidents affecting CERN in the past - and will discuss lessons learnt. The lecture will conclude with a summary of possible future trends, and ways of responding to them.
Sebastian Lopienski NISlecture
Tommelnegl 25. november 2016
Kl. 12.10
60 min
Kan vi håndtere cybertrusselen? (Can we handle the cyber threat?)
In this lecture, Arne will review status for cyber security in 2016 and postulate about the future landscape ahead. Arne Helme received a Cand. Scient degree for research on distributed operating systems at the University of Tromsø in 1992 and a Doctorate degree in security engineering from the technical University of Twente, The Netherlands, in 1997. For the past 20 years he has helped public and private organization in Europe to improve their security capabilities – particularly in the area of electronic ID and national security infrastructures. He is currently Partner and Cyber Security Lead at KPMG Norway.
Arne Helme NISlecture
Tommelnegl 16. desember 2016
Kl. 08.25
50 min
Confidentiality, Privacy and Information security
Abstract: How to handle privacy and information aspects we learn about other people in our jobs – «the thin line» between more security and privacy. About the lecturer: Ms. Solveig Fiske, Bishop in the Church of Norway, the Diocese of Hamar. Born in 1952. Ordained pastor in January 1982. Consecrated bishop December 2006. Worked several years as chaplain and vicar in local parishes. Former leader of Norwegian association of female theologians. Member of the Norwegian delegation at the Pastoral Conference of Great Lakes in Africa in 2003 and 2004. Representing the Church of Norway’s Bishops conference in the Coordination council on abuse issues. Representative in the board of the Practical-Theological Seminar at the University of Oslo. Leader of the board of The Church’s Resource Centre against violence and sexual abuse. Part of the campaign-board for the national Stop violence against women campaign.
Bishop Solveig Fiske NISlecture