Dette systemet er ikke lenger i aktivt bruk og har blitt erstattet av Panopto i løpet av sommeren 2023. Les mer her.
Dato Tittel Foreleser Emne
Tommelnegl 26. august 2016
Kl. 12.10
50 min
NISlecture2016/8: Practical Risk Assessments: A Trial by Fire
NISlecture2016/8: Practical Risk Assessments: A Trial by Fire
Gaute Wangen NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. oktober 2017
Kl. 12.12
55 min
Store Eureka, 2/3 Eureka
20år med sikkerhetssertifisering – nonstop – fortsatt usikker på om det smaker?
NT har vært sikkerhetssertifisert i 20 år og har arbeidet systematisk med risiko, informasjonssikkerhet og opplæring i en årrekke. Gode sikkerhetstiltak er et avgjørende bidrag til å skape tillit hos kunder, kanskje det viktigste… Temaet for forelesningen gir et innblikk i hvordan NT arbeider med å ha kontroll på risikoer, sikkerheten for sine 400 ansatte og de 2 millioner kundene – og hvorfor Nonstop smaker like godt år etter år…
Trond Laupstad NISlecture
Tommelnegl 27. januar 2017
Kl. 12.10
60 min
Enhancement of human performance in military cyber operations by facilitating the application of behavioral science in cyber defence practice
In cyber operations, we are less directly confronted with the outcomes of our action than in situations of physical or direct engagement. Our anticipation of future outcomes are more abstract or differently specified, less detailed, and typically decision-making processes are conducted under multiple converging and diverging pressures. These circumstances, are assumed but not yet well-understood aspects of cognition, such as an increased tolerance to uncertainty or management of cognitive load, all contribute to how judgements and decisions are made to act and determine the overall performance. The effects of digitisation on decision-making and the contribution of behavioural sciences are largely not investigated within the cyber domain, but this can nonetheless have immediate effects on cyber security at national and international level. In the wake of Cyber Pledge, this calls for an intensified effort in research, training and education of personnel with cyber competence. This talk will focus on human factors in cyber operations. What has been done so far by the research group *PACE-CYBORG*, and the future landscape ahead.
Øyvind Jøsok & Benjamin Knox NISlecture